A. Mineral water
60 ton per hour line equipment - raw water
storage tank 2800 x 4400 - storage tank
treatment 2500 x 4400 - sand pressure
filter 2300 x 1830 - carbon pressure
filter 2100 x 1830 - sand carbon filter
piping - micro filter housing 640 x
1700 - and all other ancillary equipment
PET bottle 500ml - 1800ml, 120 bpm bottling
- bottle feeder and unscrambler - rinser,
filler and capper - cap sorter and loader
- case erector - case packer - tapping
machine - bottle and box conveyor
5 gal, 12 bpm bottling line - washer
- line filler - capper - case packer
- bottle and case packer - and other
ancillary equipment * Price will
be followed upon request.